Hi Readers!
I’m glad you stopped by. Here is a bit of trivia to tell you who I am:
- I chose the header on this page because I love clouds. Give me a hammock and a lot of sky and I’ll spend hours watching the show.
- I’ve been married for over 47 years—to the same man. Quite a feat nowadays, if I do say so myself.
- We have three married kids and eight grandkids and all of us live within 20 minutes of each other—and like it that way.
- Ages ago I earned a degree in architecture (my husband and I graduated together) and we’ve enjoyed designing and building over a dozen houses and turning them into homes.
- I’ve traveled to Europe 14 times (that’s me in Budapest in 2019).
- I have performed in numerous theaters, symphonies, and choruses.
- I knit voraciously.
- I kill all my house plants.
- I make amazing 15-minute microwave peanut brittle.
- I can wire an electrical fixture without getting shocked.
- I am a fan of anything antique—humans included.
And I write.
I am the author of inspirational novels and novellas that focus on discovering our unique purpose—for we all have one. The trick is to find out what it is. This quest is important to me because I discovered my purpose and am happily living it out. I want you to do the same. In fact, in many ways I write SELF-HELP NOVELS. It sounds strange, but that’s a good category for my books. Just as Jesus used stories to illustrate life lessons, so do I! The books are chock full of life applications and personal challenges that I hope will carry over into your daily life.
My books are not fluff–though they are entertaining. Most of them are complex, intertwined stories of multiple characters. If that appeals to you, I’m your girl.
My genres include both contemporary and historical stories. I find that the themes to each genre are much the same, only the plumbing, vehicles, and fashion vary. I’ve also written and illustrated two children’s books, created two books of illustrated Bible verses, and have written a book of inspirational humor that shows how God is in the middle of carpools, burnt dinners, and too much kid-stuff.
I believe I am one of the few people in the world who look forward to Monday morning because it means I can get back to writing. I get up very early– 4 or 4:30–eager to dive into the lives of my characters. I only hope they are eager for Monday too. I do often put them through the wringer, but I haven’t heard too many complaints.
I work hard to keep you turning those pages. If one of my books keeps you up late? Victory is mine!
Whether you’re reading a book about Mozart’s sister, a plane crash, a Victorian boarding house, or time travel, I hope my books help you take one step closer to the amazing knowledge of your own God-given purpose.
Happy reading, one and all!
Nancy Moser